Our Year 9 ākonga took part in a leadership day with the Waikato Institute for Leadership and Sport Studies. They were learning about the qualities of an effective leader, and how they can embody these qualities to grow in themselves.
This week all year 9 ākonga/students participated in a day of Leadership Training led by Waikato Institute of Leadership and Sport. Our Year 9 cohort are in the unique position of always being the most senior group of ākonga/students. We expect all Year 9 students to be leaders in our college. This training session was the beginning of their formal leadership formation and was an opportunity for all to reflect on the leadership skills they possess and where the opportunities for growth and development may be.
Read the reflections below from 2 Year 9 ākonga/students:
Today I took part in a leadership program. The first session I attended helped helped motivate and encourage everyone in the class to participate which made it a positive learning experience. The part of that lesson that I found most helpful was putting together a puzzle. This meant that we had to work together and communicate. By communicating we learnt what sort of ways were better to lead others in different situations. This was an informative, hands-on learning experience. We then had the opportunity to think of better strategies for the games we played and how to be a more positive leader by cheering others on who were struggling. In conclusion, I enjoyed the leadership training day and gained valuable things from the day.
Elysia Rollo
In The leadership course for the year 9s, students got the opportunities to build their skills to help them become a better leader. We did activities where we needed to communicate well and have good teamwork. These activities made everyone step up as a leader and engage in guiding classmates, cheering people and supporting their friends.As a class we also discussed what qualities good leaders have, such as being kind, using initiative and having confidence. In summary, I think that the leadership day was very helpful as it sets us up for the future to lead and inspire others.
Oli Yee