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Asian Languages Week

Asian Languages Week

We have been celebrating our own Asian Languages week here at St Ignatius.

Celebrating Asian Language Week at Our School!

This week at St Ignatius, we immersed ourselves in the vibrant cultures and languages of Asia as we celebrated Asian Language Week. Our journey began with an assembly where we dug into the richness of Asian languages and their significance in our world.

During our assembly, we explored the diverse linguistic cultures of Asia, highlighting key languages such as Mandarin, Tagalog, Hindi, and many more. The Bible story during liturgy talks about Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit flew in and gave the apostles the ability to speak another language to spread God’s word. 

One of the highlights of our week was the lunchtime activity featuring Tinikling, a traditional Filipino folk dance. Students participated in learning the footwork and rhythmic movements that characterize this captivating cultural dance.    

Throughout the week, students were encouraged in some classes to try praying in an Asian language. For example, making the Sign of the Cross in Filipino. Many asian students were given the opportunity to come dressed in their stunning traditional clothing on Monday. 

This week truly captured the diverse culture and richness of the student’s Asian heritages. We deeply appreciate the amount of hard-work and support we were given during the assembly. We sincerely hope all students have learnt something new about their many fellow Asian friends/peers.

By Skylar Vibal (8AM) and Annie Yu (8XB)

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