
Ākonga/student leadership opportunities encompass both formal and informal roles and an expectation that all ākonga will answer the call to leadership. Across all leadership opportunities, ākonga will gain a deeper understanding of what it means to be a leader, not just in our Catholic Ignatian College but in the wider world beyond the classroom. This is aimed at developing servant leadership as modelled by Jesus Christ. Ultimately, our leadership programmes will equip our young people with a deep sense of what it means to the 'people for and with others'. Growing leaders who work together to build a compassionate and just world where all people can live to their full potential.

House Captains - Staff AppointedYear 10
  • Two House Captains will be appointed per House Group through a selection process of Year 10 Students
  • Overall leadership of the House with the Head of House
  • Take a lead role in developing House culture, spirituality and identity Encourage high levels of ākonga participation
House Leaders - Staff AppointedYear 9-10
  • Support the Heads of House and House Captains in the successful delivery of House activities, competitions and events
  • House Leaders will be Year 9 and 10 students assigned a specific portfolio: House Sports Leader, House Arts Leader, House Spirit Leader, House Communications Leader and House Hospitality Leader
Student Council - Ākonga ElectedYear 7-10
  • Each Rōpū Kaiārahi votes a representative at the start of the year as part of ākonga induction
  • The Student Council represents the views of ākonga for active and constructive input into the daily life of our school
Year 7-10 Voluntary Membership
  • Ignite the spirit in our community
  • Service of the Word of the Lord
  • Liturgical Choir Groups
  • Giving reflections, learning homiletics
  • Service in the Companions of Jesus Chapel
  • Altar servers, Eucharistic ministers, lectors, sacristans Pilgrims
  • Transformation through service
  • Vinnies groups, Enviro Group
  • Justice Programs
  • Buddy Systems