Year 7 - 10

Year 7 and 8NZC Levels 3-5


The Arts -> Languages -> Technology

Our faith is central to who we are at Saint Ignatius. We strive daily ‘To find God in all things’ and it is through the lens of the Gospel that we see the world, interact with others and grow as human beings. It is through Gods Grace and our individual gifts that we accomplish all other outcomes presented on this page. A Year 7 and8 student studies seven core learning areas, God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Church, Communion of Saints, Sacrament and Prayer. The Liturgical Year is also covered with key events, symbology and lessons within unpacked.

Tō Tātou Whakapono Our Faith

English is crucial to our learning, thinking, and communicating; it is the mainstay of the whole curriculum. Students will experience this at Saint Ignatius through quality literature which will equip them with the linguistic, analytical and communication skills essential across other subjects. Year 7 and 8 will focus on handwriting, reading for understanding, spelling, grammar, punctuation, listening, oral presentations, idea communication and impact of writing styles.

Current English Achievement Objectives

Mathematics is a key part of a balanced education. Mathematics is a universal language, which promotes analytical reasoning and problem-solving skills. It is important that students of Saint Ignatius develop thinking that is critical, logical, and abstract. Developing skills in inquiry and application, an Ignatian student grows problem-solving techniques that are immediately useful in the outside world. Year 7 and 8 students will complete number operations, statistics, basic geometry, and algebra beginnings.

Current Mathematics Achievement Objectives

Students at Saint Ignatius examine real examples of science applications. They will discover the conflicts and dependencies between science and morality, ethics, culture, politics, and the environment. An Ignatian student will learn to appreciate and respect the ideas of others, gain good ethical-reasoning skills and further develop their sense of responsibility as members of humanity. Year 7 and 8students focus on a large variety of topics such as the laboratory, the sky above, matter, life and growth, nutrition and the Earth.

Current Science Achievement Objectives

Social Science is about how societies work, and how people can participate as critical, active, informed, and responsible citizens. Ignatian students will study a range of topics taken from both the past and the present, and also look towards the future. Year 7 and 8 students will understand and be inspired to become contributors to the local, national, and global communities in which they live and work. At Saint Ignatius, ideas around national identity, NZ history, govt., mapping, pandemics ,kaitiakitanga, migration, and the environment are learned.

Current Social Sci Achievement Objectives

At Saint Ignatius, our students care about their personal wellbeing, the wellbeing of other people, and that of society as a whole. This subject aims to empower our young people to be physically active, to live a healthy lifestyle and to be holistic in their outlook. The mind, body and spirit are treated as a whole. In a safe Catholic environment, students at Year 7 and 8 will study in Health aspects of Hauora, emotions, food and nutrition and resilience. PE includes athletics, ball skills in various sports and gymnastics.

Current PE HED Achievement Objectives

Year 9 and 10NZC Level 4-6


The Arts -> Languages -> Technology

Students continue to develop their faith and values. Through inspirational example, teaching and guiding service, Year 9 and 10students of Saint Ignatius grow in Christ, are nourished daily by His word and interact as self-giving members of the community. Seven learning strands are focused on, these include the human experience, theology, scripture and tradition, church history, sacraments and worship, social justice and the universal religious dimension. The Liturgical Year focuses again on key events, symbology and lessons unpacked.

Tō Tātou Whakapono Our Faith

Students will continue to develop the skills required to communicate ideas effectively across a range of genres. Exploration of how these ideas are communicated, the understanding of the relationships across varied texts and the impact of the style and techniques used on audiences will be investigated. At Saint Ignatius, the development of students’ analysis and communication skills is paramount. Students will be effectively prepared for the transition to Year11.

Current English Achievement Objectives

At Years 9 and 10, students will continue to extend their skills within number with a focus on fractions, decimals and percentages. Algebra ability is grown, solving equations becomes an important process and x, y - graphing relationships are taught. Probability statistics are investigated, and methods of reliable data collection are demonstrated. Geometry becomes increasingly complex and methods of calculation with right angled triangles are also presented. Ignatian students stand ready to tackle the Year 11 Course.

Current Mathematics Achievement Objectives

Science aims to uncover the ‘truth’. Students at Saint Ignatius delve deep into the structure of the atom, the history of its discoveries, the elements and their behaviours. At Year 9 and 10,the complexity of life is looked at in more detail and human respiration, circulation, reproduction and DNA are studied. Major physics concepts are introduced including movement, sound and light. The focus on Chemistry grows with reactions and equations becoming crucial aspects. The cycles of the Earth are studied in full.

Current Science Achievement Objectives

First and foremost, an Ignatian student is a caring and connected global citizen. Students at Year 9 will study the causes of international conflict, and its harmful societal, cultural and environmental effects. The refugee crisis and displacement will also be covered. The environment itself becomes a crucial topic and ideas around innovation, national behaviours and the student’s personal footprint will be unpacked. Year 10 students will study the beauty of civilisation and culture, and also focus on rights and responsibilities.

Current Social Sci Achievement Objectives

PE Health and Sport aims foster the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes that will contribute to a student’s balanced and healthy lifestyle. It is to this end, that students of Year 9 and 10 at Saint Ignatius are encouraged to be active participants in both the physical and mental aspects of this course. The Health component covers the essential areas of sexuality and development, alcohol and drugs, and mental fitness/ resilience. PE includes athletics, ball skills in various sports and gymnastics.

Current PE HED Achievement Objectives