
Our Magis CentreA place for all.

Magis is a latin word which means 'more' or 'greater'.  At St Ignatius it is a call to do more for Christ, self and others.  It is about about growing to be more than we are, to be greater, to strive for excellence in ourselves. Our Magis Centre is built around this idea, a place to help all ākonga to be the best version of themselves that they can be.

Located in the centre of the main building, on the ground floor, our Magis Centre is made up of the Library and the flexible learning space known as Room 12. Ākonga are able to not only borrow books, but also devices when they are having technical issues with their own. It is a place to study, read, play board games and card games, make jigsaw puzzles, and take part in craft activities. Laptops/Chromebooks can be used during break times in Room 12. 

The Magis Centre is a welcoming space for all ākonga.

Open Online 24/7

Ākonga can access the Library catalogue any time. They can reserve books, find resources for projects, and follow links that have been fact-checked and carefully curated to provide safe, quality information that is relevant to their learning.

Borrowing a device

Ākonga are expected to bring a fully charged device to school every day. Occassionally we understand that students may not have a device due to technical issues. At times such as these, ākonga may borrow a device.
To borrow a device they can bring their student ID to the Magis centre and borrow a school Chromebook. 


The Magis Centre has Lego, Board and Card Games, Jigsaw puzzles, and regularly has craft activities set up. Students can borrow games at the Magis Centre desk.


As a new library we are working on growing our collection. If you have any book suggestions or donations, please contact our Librarian.

[email protected]