Bring Your
Own Device
(BYOD) 2025

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St Ignatius of Loyola Catholic College uses a blend of approaches to learning and teaching, including using digital technologies to support or facilitate learning. To allow us to engage our students in a broad, rich, cohesive and local curriculum, a BYOD device is essential for each student.

We aim to grow capable digital creators through our learning programmes. When a device is owned by the student and goes home with them every day, it allows for anywhere, anytime learning. We use the Google suite of products which allows students to save their work to the ‘cloud’ so it cannot be lost and can be accessed from home, or any other computer with internet access. 

This provides opportunity for increased collaboration between students and further opportunities and new methods for teachers to provide feedback to students. It also provides occasions to communicate and share learning in a way that will prepare students for the future, including NCEA online examinations.

St Ignatius of Loyola Catholic College recommended devices for BYOD 2025

There are many appropriate devices, and the school is not requiring a particular device. We do have minimum specifications however, and Chromebooks, while initially acceptable, will not meet requirements as ākonga reach our senior school.

Our minimum specs (listed below) can be taken to local retailers like Harvey Norman, Noel Leeming, PB Tech, etc. to assist with correct device choice. Parents can buy devices from any retailers, but please consider the after sales service and arrangements for when a device needs repair.

Minimum specification for devices
  • Battery life: 6-8 hours. Battery life will lessen over time. Ensure devices are fully charged at home before the school day
  • Keyboard
  • Screen size of 13 inches is optimal
  • Light enough to be carried around during the day
  • Protective case
  • 5GHz Wireless capability
  • USB Drive
  • Built in camera and sound recording
  • RAM – 8GB is optimal
  • 128GB SSD drives to ensure sufficient space for software. Hard Drive should be at least 320GB.
  • Avoid AMD Desktop CPUs, we recommend Intel Desktop CPUs for efficient processing time
  • Output capability
  • Insurance (Saint Ignatius is not responsible for damage or loss of the device)

Along with these we strongly recommend:

  • Preferable OS for Windows – Windows 10
  • Virus protection, e.g. Microsoft Security Essentials, Windows Defender
  • Malware protection, e.g. Malwarebytes
Retailer BYOD Portals

Do I have to purchase a new device?

No, if you have a device already that meets our minimum specs then it will be fine – see the minimum specifications above.