Academic Integrity

Academic IntegrityWe see maintaining academic integrity at St Ignatius of Loyola Catholic College as part of our special Catholic Character.

 As people of God, we aim to foster an environment of trust where all individuals can grow and develop. Plagiarism is where an ākonga knowingly uses someone else's work without proper acknowledgment. When this occurs, trust is damaged and must be rebuilt. Plagiarism may include copying full text, quoting without giving credit, or submitting work not completed by the ākonga.

The College continues to support our Four C’s of ākonga expectations through maintaining academic integrity:

1. Compassion
At St Ignatius, we see each moment as a learning opportunity. A plagiarism incident is met with empathy as we assist the ākonga in understanding the implications of their actions and why it is important to respect the intellectual property of others.

2. Competence
Ākonga being academically honest is the key to their success. Supporting ākonga in developing their skills around citing others' work and creating original pieces is essential. Ensuring they are well-equipped is invaluable as they head towards the challenges of senior schooling. Hāpara (our online internet management system) is used to help guide digital learning, ensuring ākonga stay on task and develop responsible online habits. Additionally, as AI tools become more accessible, ākonga will be taught how to use AI ethically and appropriately, distinguishing between support for learning and misuse that compromises integrity.

3. Commitment
Ākonga involved in a plagiarism incident must show that they are willing to learn from the event. This will be shown by the need to repeat their work and re-submit an original piece of material that demonstrates excellence, pride, and integrity. Using AI-generated content without proper attribution or in a way that misrepresents an ākonga’s own understanding is also considered academic dishonesty. Our educators will support ākonga in using AI as a tool for learning rather than as a replacement for their own thinking and creativity.

4. Conscience
Personal reflection by ākonga is carried out to ensure that the consequences of their actions are clear and that they understand the broader impact of plagiarism. Through guided discussions and the use of Hāpara’s digital management tools, ākonga will develop a strong sense of responsibility in their academic work. They will be encouraged to ask themselves whether their work truly reflects their own understanding and effort.

As St Ignatius is a Restorative Practice school, ākonga will be expected to attend an RP session to discuss the incident, any harm that may have been caused, and what they can do to make amends. In this way, we hope to restore an environment of trust.

By upholding compassion, competence, commitment, and conscience, St. Ignatius of Loyola Catholic College fosters a culture of academic integrity and excellence. Early preparation and understanding of these principles will support ākonga as they reach their senior years, ensuring they are well-prepared for the challenges ahead. We believe all ākonga can learn from their mistakes and grow into a person of integrity and honour.