
Linda McQuade

Presiding Member
Bishop’s Appointee
Email: [email protected]

Elvira Balle

Bishop’s Appointee

Andrea Clark

Staff Rep

Joseph Fa’afiu

Parent Rep

John Gilbert

Bishop’s Appointee

Apaula Lautua

Parent Rep

Barbara Lee

Parent Rep

Nadia McFadden

Parent Rep

Catherine Rawlinson

Bishop’s Appointee

Benjamin Speedy

Parent Rep

Board Meetings 2025

7:00pm 11th February
7:00pm 11th March
7:00pm 8th April
7:00pm 13th May
7:00pm 10th June
7:00pm 15th July

7:00pm 12th August
7:00pm 2nd September
7:00pm 9th October
7:00pm 11th November
7:00pm 9th December

Annual Financial Statements


To provide quality Catholic education, in a safe and caring community that embodies the Jesuit charism, where God is at the heart of learning, loving and serving. 


We walk alongside each person to: 

• Know and love Jesus and recognise him as their role model
• Embrace challenge and rigorous intellectual endeavour in their quest for personal excellence and spiritual growth 
• Nurture compassion, competence, conscience, and commitment in all aspects of their lives. 
• Make a difference for the common good and faithfully strive to serve the needs of our local, wider and global community 
• Celebrate love and joy in living and lifelong learnin

St Ignatius will intentionally grow learners/ākonga who “will find God in all things” and practice the Theological Virtues of Faith, Hope and Love and the Cardinal Virtues of Prudence, Temperance, Justice and Fortitude.


Our Strategic Foci reflect the direction in which we seek to lead the College within the context of “Our Purpose” and enable “What We Do” to become a reality. 

Our Strategic Foci fall under 4 headings: 

1. Upholding our Catholic Special Character 
2. Promoting Mana Matauranga 
3. Providing a holistic education across a range of learning pathways
4. Developing Community

The goals associate with each of the four focus areas provide the strategic direction for the college in its first three years, acknowledging the importance placed on facilitating each student to attain personal standards of excellence, using their God given gifts and talents to become a person who makes a difference for good. 

These goals will be woven into the fabric of school life, organisation and structure. They will be evidenced in curriculum planning and pedagogical approach; the pastoral care and House system; co-curricular/extra-curricular programmes including opportunities for service and outreach; day to day operations; development of relationship with families/whānau, iwi, Church communities.

Upholding our Catholic Special Character
  • To build the culture and religious practices within the College alongside the provision of a holistic education
  • To foster within each learner / ākonga a genuine encounter with Christ, growth in knowledge of Christ, his teachings and the teachings of the Church and become authentic witnesses of their faith
  • To ensure the core priorities of St Ignatius, the founder of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), under-pin all aspects of school life
  • To recognise the sacred dignity of each person and provide a learning environment that is safe, inclusive and free from racism, discrimination and bullying knowing they are loved by Christ as they are and who they are
  • To implement the Religious Education Curriculum mandated by the New Zealand Catholic Bishops Conference and assist learners / ākonga to integrate faith and life
  • To integrate a Catholic world view, with a focus on Catholic Social Teachings, into all aspects of the Curriculum
  • To recognise the College is an integral participant in the evangelising mission of the Church, and work in partnership with whānau and parishes to assist learners / ākonga become active members of a Catholic parish or Eucharistic community 
  • To provide opportunities that enable learners / ākonga to make a commitment to serving others, recognising the face of Christ in each person
Promoting Mana Matauranga
  • To uphold the principles of Te Tiriti O Waitangi
  • To work in partnership with Manawhenua iwi, Ngaati Te Ata Waiohua and Ngaati Tamaoho and with our College’s Māori whānau and Māori community
  • To acknowledge, affirm and grow the mana of every person
  • To provide a learning environment where our Māori learners / ākonga stand tall, have a positive sense of identity, language and culture and gain knowledge of their: > Whakapapa and positive sense of identity as Māori > Areas of strength > Understanding of how they can transfer their gifts in service to others in our community
  • To meaningfully incorporate Te Reo Māori and tikanga Māori into the everyday life of the College
  • To provide staff with opportunities to enhance their knowledge about the cultural backgrounds of our learners / ākonga
  • To have high aspirations for every learner / ākonga partnering with their whānau and communities to design and deliver education that responds to their needs, sustaining their identities, languages and cultures
Providing A Holistic Education Across A Range Of Learning Pathways
  • To teach every learner / ākonga to strive for excellence, to become autonomous learners and have the values, attitudes, skills and knowledge/qualifications that will enable them to move confidently to the next stage of their life, becoming productive members of our society and the Church
  • To design the Year 7 -10 curriculum that is: 
    • Based on the principles and key competencies in the New Zealand Curriculum Framework 
    • In a holistic, innovative environment that challenges each learner / ākonga to strive for standards of personal excellence 
    • Meeting the learning needs of each learner / ākonga with consideration being given to a range of learning pathways. 
    • Supporting and accompanying learners / ākonga who may still need to attain sound foundation skills, including language, literacy, and numeracy 
  • To embed a teaching pedagogy, based on Ignatian charism of care, respect, reflection which will nurture the strengths, gifts and passions of the students / ākonga
  • To provide inclusive education which recognises the unique dignity and worth of every learner / ākonga in our College 
  • To provide staff professional development to strengthen teaching, leadership and learner support
  • To collaborate with industries and employers to ensure learner / ākonga have the skills, knowledge and pathways to succeed in work, when considering the implementation of the curriculum
  • To provide equitable opportunities so that all learners / ākonga achieve their personal best and this equitable environment will be modelled for our community
Developing Community
  • To create a College community where each member feels a sense of pride and belonging
  • To create a strongly connected partnership between College and home, promoting a reciprocal relationship with families, whānau, parishes and our wider community
  • To welcome, value and respect all cultural groups / ethnicities within our school community
  • To engage with Holy Trinity Catholic Primary School Takanini, St Mary’s Catholic School Papakura and St Joseph’s School Pukekohe
  • To draw our Catholic communities together, to support each other and nurture the development of fine young Catholic people in Counties Manukau
  • To develop an understanding of the needs within our local and wider community and respond through a social justice lens
  • To reduce barriers to education for all our students, including Māori and Pacific learners / ākonga, disabled learners and those with learning support needs
  • To build networks throughout the wider Catholic community including schools and Parishes

The St Ignatius of Loyola Catholic College 2024 - 2027 Strategic Plan, sets out what the College strives to achieve over the next 3 years. The Board will regularly review this Plan and identify and prioritises the annual initiatives it believes best support the achievement of the goals set out.

Annual Plans to implement Strategic Foci

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