7:00pm 11th February
7:00pm 11th March
7:00pm 8th April
7:00pm 13th May
7:00pm 10th June
7:00pm 15th July
7:00pm 12th August
7:00pm 2nd September
7:00pm 9th October
7:00pm 11th November
7:00pm 9th December
Presiding Member
Bishop’s Appointee
Email: [email protected]
Bishop’s Appointee
Staff Rep
Parent Rep
Bishop’s Appointee
Parent Rep
Parent Rep
Parent Rep
Bishop’s Appointee
Parent Rep
7:00pm 11th February
7:00pm 11th March
7:00pm 8th April
7:00pm 13th May
7:00pm 10th June
7:00pm 15th July
7:00pm 12th August
7:00pm 2nd September
7:00pm 9th October
7:00pm 11th November
7:00pm 9th December
To provide quality Catholic education, in a safe and caring community that embodies the Jesuit charism, where God is at the heart of learning, loving and serving.
We walk alongside each person to:
• Know and love Jesus and recognise him as their role model
• Embrace challenge and rigorous intellectual endeavour in their quest for personal excellence and spiritual growth
• Nurture compassion, competence, conscience, and commitment in all aspects of their lives.
• Make a difference for the common good and faithfully strive to serve the needs of our local, wider and global community
• Celebrate love and joy in living and lifelong learnin
St Ignatius will intentionally grow learners/ākonga who “will find God in all things” and practice the Theological Virtues of Faith, Hope and Love and the Cardinal Virtues of Prudence, Temperance, Justice and Fortitude.
Our Strategic Foci reflect the direction in which we seek to lead the College within the context of “Our Purpose” and enable “What We Do” to become a reality.
Our Strategic Foci fall under 4 headings:
1. Upholding our Catholic Special Character
2. Promoting Mana Matauranga
3. Providing a holistic education across a range of learning pathways
4. Developing Community
The goals associate with each of the four focus areas provide the strategic direction for the college in its first three years, acknowledging the importance placed on facilitating each student to attain personal standards of excellence, using their God given gifts and talents to become a person who makes a difference for good.
These goals will be woven into the fabric of school life, organisation and structure. They will be evidenced in curriculum planning and pedagogical approach; the pastoral care and House system; co-curricular/extra-curricular programmes including opportunities for service and outreach; day to day operations; development of relationship with families/whānau, iwi, Church communities.
The St Ignatius of Loyola Catholic College 2024 - 2027 Strategic Plan, sets out what the College strives to achieve over the next 3 years. The Board will regularly review this Plan and identify and prioritises the annual initiatives it believes best support the achievement of the goals set out.